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International news

Australia is lagging behind progress on early childhood education compared to many other countries.

International PISA tests show people who have access to a preschool education are more likely to do well when they are teenagers.

The OECD said to maximise the benefits of preschool education, the poorest families should be targeted. In the UK there are plans to do double the provision of free childcare to 30 hours a week for working families.

But OECD Education Director Andreas Schleicher said the extended hours should be made available to unemployed families.

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New York will soon offer free full day preschool for all three year olds. The program will be rolled out across the city over the next four years, serving 62,000 children.


Early childhood practitioners around the world provide a vital service to their countries yet are among its lowest paid. The Early Childhood Workforce Initiative is a global effort to bring these practitioners to the forefront of the conversation at government level.
