Supporting the independent education community

Stop the "snap back" ending free childcare

Australian families have been enjoying free child care for six weeks now, but the Government will decide next week whether ‘free childcare’ will be switched off at the end of June. 

Switching back to the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) system in less than six weeks’ time will create uncertainty when families were hoping to start rebuilding, finding their feet or getting back to the ‘new’ normal.

Our friends at The Parenthood want to hear what you think about the proposed ‘snap back‘ ending free childcare.


Please fill out their short 3-minute survey tell us what you think about child care being free and how the last few months have families. 

Have your say!

The more people who take the survey, the louder the voice will be to report back to the Government.

The next week is a crucial decision-making time for Government, so now is the time to speak up.

Together we can make a difference to make access to early learning affordable for all Australia’s children.