Supporting the independent education community

Celebrate early childhood teachers and educators

On Early Childhood Educators’ Day, we offer a heartfelt thank you for the teachers and educators working in early childhood settings. Thank you for the vitally important role you play in the lives of children and their families.


In 2021 we find ourselves once again facing the harsh realities of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whilst most of us are working from home, you continue on the front line, educating and nurturing our youngest children and supporting their families. The benefits of early education for children, families and wider society have been demonstrated repeatedly through research. 


Throughout this pandemic, early childhood teachers and educators have continued to put children and families first, amidst uncertainty and in environments where social distancing is impossible to maintain.


In late July, Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education and Development, Amanda Rishworth, said those of working in early childhood services: “There is no doubt they are doing some of the most important work out there. 90% of brain development happens by the age of five, which is why high quality learning in those early years can have a positive impact on a child’s development and education for the rest of their lives”.


The IEU extends our gratitude to early childhood teachers for their dedication to constant improvement, professionalism and unwavering commitment to young children.


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