Supporting the independent education community

Executive Motion: Premier must honour his promises

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Friday, 4 August 2023


IEU Executive Motion 


The IEU Executive notes the proposal for a restructured salary scale that was agreed between the NSW Government and the NSW Teachers Federation.  It would have provided increases of 8% for experienced teachers and 12% for beginning teachers and would have been a significant step in addressing the teacher shortage in NSW.  It would also have provided an appropriate recognition of teachers’ work as professionals. 


This IEU calls on the NSW Government to immediately return to the negotiating table consistent with the Labor Party’s pre-election promises to the teaching profession.


The IEU Executive also calls on NSW Catholic systemic employers to immediately address the pay crisis by agreeing to pay rises of at least 8-12%.  It is time for our employers to stop hiding behind the NSW Government and deliver real pay rises for teachers.

Both the NSW Government and NSW Catholic schools have a shared interest in properly remunerating the teaching profession.  In doing so, the competition for teachers across sectors would be alleviated.   Students deserve better!

This Executive will monitor developments over the next week to determine what action members should take if there is not a satisfactory pay outcome for teachers. Further, the Executive will reconvene in an extraordinary meeting on Friday 11 August to consider further steps to advance our campaign, including protected action.