Supporting the independent education community

NewsExtra: Urgent Update - Teacher Pay Negotiations

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The IEU Executive met today concerning the latest developments in the NSW public sector teacher pay negotiations.

Public sector negotiations

The NSW Teachers Federation had reached agreement with the NSW Government for a restructure of the teacher pay scale that would have taken effect from October this year. Under this agreement, the starting salary for a teacher in NSW would have increased from $75,791 to $85,000 and the salary for a top of the scale teacher would have increased from $113,042 to $122,100.

The NSW Government has now walked away from this deal, an action the Federation has described as an “act of betrayal”.

IEU Executive meeting

The IEU Executive met today to hear a report on the public sector negotiations from Mark Morey, Secretary of Unions NSW. Following the report and after detailed discussion, the Executive passed the attached motion click here. The motion includes the following demand:

The IEU Executive also calls on NSW Catholic systemic employers to immediately address the pay crisis by agreeing to pay rises of at least 8-12%. It is time for our employers to stop hiding behind the NSW Government and deliver real pay rises for teachers.

We have written to 10 Catholic dioceses calling for action.

Next steps

The Executive will reconvene in an extraordinary meeting on Friday 11 August to consider further steps to advance our campaign, including the taking of protected action. More details of our campaign will be on the IEU website and social media on Monday. Possible actions members can take in support will include sending a letter to your local NSW MP, and letters to the NSW Premier Chris Minns and the Deputy Premier and Education Minister Prue Car.


Please encourage any colleagues who have not yet joined the union to do so – click here. As always, we thank you for your ongoing support.


Urgent Update - Teacher Pay Negotiations